12 Blog Best Practices Every Blogger Should Follow

blog best practices

Blogging is a powerful way to showcase your expertise, attract more traffic, and generate leads for your business. But how do you create a blog that stands out from the crowd and delivers value to your audience?

In this article, I’ll share with you 12 blogging best practices that will help you optimize your blog for SEO, engagement, and conversions. Let’s get started!

1. Define Your Blog’s Purpose and Goals

Before you start writing, you need to have a clear idea of why you are blogging and what you want to achieve. Your blog’s purpose and goals should align with your overall business objectives and target audience. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who are you writing for? What are their pain points, challenges, and interests?
  • What value do you offer to your readers? How do you solve their problems or educate them?
  • What action do you want your readers to take after reading your blog posts? Do you want them to subscribe, share, comment, contact you, or buy something?
  • How will you measure your blog’s success? What metrics will you use to track your performance?

Having a well-defined purpose and goals will help you create a focused and relevant blog that attracts and converts your ideal customers.

2. Do Keyword Research and Topic Ideation

One of the most important blogging best practices is to do keyword research and topic ideation before you write. Keyword research is the process of finding out what words and phrases your target audience uses to search for information related to your niche. Topic ideation is the process of generating ideas for blog posts based on your keywords.

Keyword research and topic ideation will help you:

  • Understand the intent and needs of your audience
  • Discover popular and trending topics in your industry
  • Optimize your blog posts for SEO and rank higher on search engines
  • Drive more organic traffic to your blog

There are many tools that can help you with keyword research and topic ideation, such as Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, SEMrush, Ahrefs, AnswerThePublic, HubSpot Blog Ideas Generator, etc.

3. Write Compelling Headlines

Your headline is the first thing that your readers see when they come across your blog post. It can make or break their decision to click on it or not. According to Copyblogger, 80% of people will read your headline, but only 20% will read the rest of your post. That’s why you need to write compelling headlines that capture attention and entice curiosity.

Here are some tips for writing catchy headlines:

  • Use numbers, statistics, or facts to make your headline specific and credible
  • Use emotional words or triggers to appeal to your readers’ feelings
  • Use questions, challenges, or negative words to create intrigue and urgency
  • Use power words or modifiers to emphasize the value or benefit of your post
  • Use brackets or parentheses to add extra information or context

For example, compare these two headlines:

  • How to Start a Blog
  • How to Start a Blog in 2023 (The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide)

Which one sounds more appealing and enticing? The second one, right? It uses numbers, brackets, power words, and modifiers to make the headline more specific, credible, valuable, and relevant.

4. Format Your Blog Posts for Readability

Another blogging best practice is to format your blog posts for readability. Online readers have a short attention span and tend to scan rather than read word by word. If your blog post is too long, dense, or cluttered, they will likely bounce off without reading it.

To make your blog posts more readable and scannable, follow these formatting tips:

  • Use short paragraphs (2-3 sentences) and sentences (15-20 words)
  • Use headings and subheadings to organize your content into sections
  • Use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight key points or steps
  • Use bold, italic, or underline to emphasize important words or phrases
  • Use images, videos, charts, graphs, or other visual elements to break up the text and illustrate your points
  • Use white space to create contrast and clarity

Formatting your blog posts for readability will not only improve the user experience but also boost your SEO ranking. Google favors content that is easy to read and understand by both humans and bots.

5. Include a Table of Contents

A table of contents is a list of links that allows your readers to jump to different sections of your blog post. It’s especially useful for long-form content (over 2,000 words) that covers multiple topics or subtopics.

A table of contents will help you:

  • Improve the navigation and usability of your blog post
  • Provide an overview of what your blog post covers
  • Increase the dwell time and engagement of your readers
  • Enhance the SEO performance of your blog post

You can create a table of contents manually by using HTML anchors or automatically by using plugins or tools such as Table of Contents Plus, Easy Table of Contents, etc.

6. Optimize Your Blog Posts for SEO

SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is the process of improving your website’s visibility and relevance on search engines. Optimizing your blog posts for SEO will help you rank higher on Google and drive more organic traffic to your blog.

Here are some SEO best practices for your blog posts:

  • Use your main keyword in your headline, URL, introduction, conclusion, and throughout your content
  • Use related keywords, synonyms, or variations of your main keyword to avoid keyword stuffing and increase topical relevance
  • Use internal links to connect your blog posts and keep your readers on your site
  • Use external links to cite authoritative sources and provide additional value to your readers
  • Use meta tags (title, description, image) to describe what your blog post is about and entice clicks from search results
  • Use schema markup (structured data) to add extra information or features to your search results, such as ratings, reviews, FAQs, etc.

You can use tools such as Yoast SEO, Rank Math, All in One SEO, etc. to help you optimize your blog posts for SEO.

7. Add a Call-to-Action

A call-to-action (CTA) is a statement that prompts your readers to take a specific action after reading your blog post. It can be a button, a link, a form, or a text that tells your readers what to do next.

A CTA will help you:

  • Convert your readers into leads or customers
  • Grow your email list or social media following
  • Increase your engagement or feedback
  • Achieve your blog’s goals and objectives

Some examples of CTAs are:

  • Download our free ebook/guide/checklist/template/etc.
  • Sign up for our free trial/demo/webinar/course/etc.
  • Contact us for a free consultation/quote/estimate/etc.
  • Share this post with your friends/followers/network/etc.
  • Leave a comment/question/suggestion/etc.

You should include a CTA at the end of your blog post and throughout your content where appropriate. Make sure your CTA is clear, concise, and compelling.

8. Proofread and Edit Your Blog Posts

Before you publish your blog posts, you need to proofread and edit them for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style. Even if you are a native speaker or a professional writer, you can still make mistakes or typos that can affect the quality and credibility of your content.

Proofreading and editing will help you:

  • Eliminate errors and inconsistencies in your writing
  • Improve the clarity and readability of your content
  • Enhance the tone and voice of your content
  • Polish and refine your content

You can use tools such as Grammarly, Hemingway, ProWritingAid, etc. to help you proofread and edit your blog posts. You can also ask someone else to review your content or read it aloud to catch any errors or awkward sentences.

9. Promote Your Blog Posts

Writing great blog posts is not enough. You also need to promote them to reach more people and drive more traffic to your blog. Promotion is an essential part of blogging best practices that many bloggers neglect or overlook.

Here are some ways to promote your blog posts:

  • Share them on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
  • Send them to your email subscribers or include them in your newsletters
  • Repurpose them into different formats such as videos, podcasts, info-graphics, slideshows, etc.
  • Syndicate them on other websites or platforms such as Medium, Quora, Reddit, etc.
  • Guest post on other relevant blogs or websites in your niche
  • Collaborate with other bloggers or influencers in your industry

Promoting your blog posts will help you increase your exposure and reach new audiences. It will also help you build relationships and authority in your niche.

10. Engage With Your Readers

One of the benefits of blogging is that it allows you to interact and communicate with your readers. Engaging with your readers will help you build trust and loyalty with them. It will also help you get feedback and insights from them.

Here are some ways to engage with your readers:

  • Encourage them to leave comments on your blog posts and reply to them promptly and politely
  • Ask them questions or surveys to get their opinions or suggestions
  • Invite them to join your online community or group on social media or other platforms
  • Offer them incentives or rewards for sharing or referring your blog posts
  • Feature them on your blog posts by showcasing their testimonials, stories, case studies, etc.

Engaging with your readers will help you create a loyal fan base that will support and advocate for your brand.

11. Update Your Blog Posts Regularly

Another blogging best practice is to update your blog posts regularly. Updating your blog posts means adding new information, removing outdated information, fixing errors or broken links, and keeping the content fresh and relevant. This practice not only benefits your readers but also helps improve your search engine rankings.

When you update your blog posts regularly, you:

  • Ensure that your content remains accurate and up-to-date.
  • Provide your readers with the most current information and insights.
  • Show search engines that your website is active and valuable.
  • Give yourself the opportunity to re-promote the updated content.

Set a schedule for reviewing and refreshing your older blog posts, especially those that continue to drive traffic. This ongoing maintenance will ensure that your blog maintains its credibility and authority in your niche.

12. Analyze and Learn from Your Data

The final blogging best practice is to analyze the performance of your blog posts and use the insights to improve your future content. Data-driven decisions are key to growing your blog’s success.

Here’s how to effectively analyze and learn from your data:

  • Use website analytics tools like Google Analytics to track key metrics such as traffic, bounce rate, time on page, and conversion rates.
  • Identify which blog posts are performing exceptionally well and understand why.
  • Pay attention to user behavior, including what content they engage with the most and where they drop off.
  • A/B test elements like headlines, CTAs, and content formats to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Use social media analytics to gauge the impact of your blog post promotions.
  • Monitor your email campaigns to see which blog topics and formats generate the most interest.

By studying your data and learning from it, you can refine your content strategy over time, create more of what your audience loves, and achieve better results with each new blog post.


By implementing these 12 blogging best practices, you’ll be well on your way to creating a blog that not only stands out but also delivers exceptional value to your audience. Remember that successful blogging takes time, consistency, and ongoing effort. Continuously refine your approach, adapt to changes in your industry, and stay attuned to your readers’ needs.

Keep in mind that these best practices are not set in stone; they may evolve as technology and user preferences change. Stay curious, stay updated, and stay dedicated to providing the best possible content for your audience. Happy blogging!

Reading Suggestion : How to Start a Blog in 2024

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